TORONTO – Did you know there are currently over 100 people out on release facing firearm related charges in northern Etobicoke, but there’s not a single officer dedicated to enforcing bail conditions at 23 Division?
As Mayor of Toronto, Brad Bradford will establish dedicated Bail Compliance Units by working with the Toronto Police Service to keep tabs on alleged criminals who the courts have released into our community.
The City of Toronto will fund this expansion of Toronto’s community policing presence with the support of Premier Ford and provincial funding to support this critical investment in community safety.
“We need urgent action to stop the rise in crime and see justice upheld for all of Toronto,” said Brad. “Violent and repeat offenders are wreaking havoc in our neighbourhoods, contributing to the increase in crime and violence on the TTC and across the city. We need real action to keep people safe.”
It’s all too common to hear reports of crimes – assault, robbery, and murder – committed by offenders out on bail.
That’s because hardly any of the 17 Toronto Police divisions employ police officers whose sole job is to ensure that people out on bail abide by their court-mandated orders. Repeat and violent offenders out on bail know nobody is watching to ensure they comply with the law. This must change, fast.
Toronto Police Service Bail Compliance Units
68 new officers, with an average of 4 per Toronto’s 17 police divisions.
Exclusively tasked with engaging, monitoring, deterring and enforcing compliance of the law with individuals in the community on released on bail.
There are currently over 1,500 individuals before the courts, accused of violent crimes released on bail with very strict conditions like curfews and house arrest.
The Bail Compliance Units are estimated to cost $16 million for its first year, $10 million annually and would be paid for by the Government of Ontario with their follow through on public commitments to improve safety.
SOURCE Brad Bradford Campaign
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