Toronto – As a broadcaster in the late 90s, on cfrc 101.9 FM, a CBC affiliate station … Queen’s University, Kingston On., there was always content stipulation which legally had to be observed. A certain percent if my memory serves me well, I think 60 percent of the music played on the network had to be Canadian content. This was strictly observed.
My show was Music and the Spoken word/poetry.
Development Of Artistes
This government policy has the positive effect of encouraging and thereby unearthing the talents within your own geographic area/landscape. No one can claim successfully of official neglect or be said to be left behind.
Cultural Imperialism
When you fail to unearth and expose your own rich talent … you may be unwittingly be encouraging cultural imperialism. This is easy to do especially when mega recording and distribution recording companies exist. These companies employ scouts whose job it is to look for and sign aspiring, even new talent. They flood for example, the music landscape with their content. Exposure is assured for their material etc. Lifestyle is easily spread like an epidemic.
Cultural Penetration
This music, film etc with foreign content depicting those cultures, values, morals and practices now have front seat viewing and can negatively impact culture especially in certain vulnerable societies. Even fashion and eating habits, dating, child rearing practices … like breast feeding etc. Much is caught than is actually taught as you are aware. Young impressionable minds are easily influenced. Canadian values like gentleness, keeping environment tidy etc. Can easily be swamped by this cultural penetration through consumption in the media landscape.
Gun Mentality
Some societies seem to have an insatiable desire to own, carry and be using guns. I lived in Canada for some time and saw guns but mainly those used for hunting … high powered hand guns in private hands was not the norm nor appeared to have been encouraged. The gun tooting culture seem to impact negatively on crime. Violent crimes in Canada are at controllable levels, despite the vastness of the landscape.
Multicultural Landscape
Toronto has a population of over three million and nationally there are over 30 million. Many ethnic groups from Chinese, to Indus to Africans, and First Nations etc. and a host of languages including Manderin and French.
A very diverse cultural melting pot indeed.
Mass Killings
Rarely you hear of mass killings or a school siege. This is not the culture portrayed in Canadian films and therefore not played out in the Canadian society.
Animal Care/Gentler Society
Love and respect for animals are focused on a lot in the Canadian media/society …. Content rules help to reduce crime and cruelty … creating a gentler society.
Ride on CRTC … You have our support. This is our perspective. What is yours.?
Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie is Senior International Correspondent & photojournalist for Gtaweekly.
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