TORONTO – The public service at City Hall has grown 25% since 2017, alone, with little in the way of accountability.
Garbage and recycling bins are overflowing
Public drinking fountains are out of service
Snow clearing is slow and sloppy
Playing fields, recreation centres, ice rinks, and pools are in a state of disrepair
“In short, the people you pay with your tax dollars are not going above and beyond, for you,” said Brad. “In every other walk of life leaders have clearly defined goals and objectives, which their performance is measured against. As mayor, I intend to publicly issue mandate letters to the heads of municipal divisions and departments.”
The Mayor’s mandate letters would set expectations for proper performance.
Under the strong mayor powers the Mayor also has the ability to dismiss and hire heads of various city agencies and departments at his or her discretion.
By transparently introducing basic standards of performance, through clear direction and regular evaluation, Brad intends to reorient Toronto’s municipal government to ensure that Torontonians’ needs are met.
To date, no Ontario municipality has issued mandate letters.
Brad Bradford will be the strong mayor of action Toronto needs. He understands the challenges the city is facing because his young family lives them every day. As Mayor, Brad will use every tool of that office to deliver results for the city.
SOURCE Brad Bradford Campaign
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