Toronto’s StreetARToronto program has partnered with the Toronto Parking Authority and the St. Clair Gardens Business Improvement Area (BIA) to support a new mural “The Gardens of St. Clair.” Councillor Cesar Palacio (Ward 17 Davenport) will join partner representatives and the local artists who worked on this piece for the unveiling.
The mural is comprised of graffiti art surrounded by a garden scene created by Mike “Wunder” Kennedy and executed by 16 different artists on 10 adjacent properties.
The unveiling will be followed by the annual BIA holiday lighting ceremony.
Date: Friday, November 17
Mural unveiling: 5 p.m., Toronto Parking Authority, 20 Prescott Ave.
Holiday lighting ceremony: 6 p.m., Don Panos Parkette, 3 Prescott Ave.
StreetARToronto (StART) is a suite of innovative programs specifically designed for streets and public spaces. StART programs encourage active transportation such as walking and cycling and create opportunities for positive engagement among residents, business, artists, arts organizations and City staff. Replacing vandalism with vibrant, colourful art work makes our streets safer as well as more beautiful and showcases local artists, mentors emerging creative talent and reduces overall infrastructure maintenance costs. While based on themes relevant to local neighbourhoods, StART art works and artists also reflect the City of Toronto’s motto: Diversity our Strength and foster a greater sense of belonging among all. StART is an initiative of the City of Toronto, Transportation Services Division, Public Realm Section.
Toronto is Canada’s largest city, the fourth largest in North America, and home to a diverse population of about 2.8 million people. It is a global centre for business, finance, arts and culture and is consistently ranked one of the world’s most livable cities. In 2017, Toronto is honouring Canada’s 150th birthday with “TO Canada with Love,” a year-long program of celebrations, commemorations and exhibitions. For information on non-emergency City services and programs, Toronto residents, businesses and visitors can visit http://www.toronto.ca, call 311, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, or follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/TorontoComms and on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/cityofto.
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