Today, Councillor Cynthia Lai, member of Toronto City Council, and candidate for the office of councillor, Scarborough North – Ward 23, passed away.
Under subsection 39(a) of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 (MEA) (https://www.ontario.ca/laws/s
The ballots for election day have already been printed and cannot be changed in time for Monday’s election. On election day, notice of the candidate’s death will be made available to the Scarborough North – Ward 23’s approximately 61,100 voters at all 35 voting places. Any votes cast for the candidate on election day, as well as those already cast during the advance vote and through mail-in voting, will not be counted. Eligible voters can only vote once. There is no provision in the MEA for voters who have already cast a ballot through mail-in ballot or advance voting for the candidate to change their vote.
More information about Toronto’s 2022 municipal election is available on the Toronto Elections webpage: www.toronto.ca/Elections.
SOURCE City of Toronto
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