Today, Mayor John Tory kicked off the annual hiring campaign for summer parks and recreation jobs at the City of Toronto. While it’s too early to know what safe and fun activities will be offered this spring and summer, the City is preparing for a safe resumption of parks and recreation services by hiring spring and summer parks and recreation workers.
Mayor Tory was joined online by Deputy Mayor Michael Thompson (Scarborough Centre), Chair of the Economic and Community Development Committee, Councillor Jennifer McKelvie (Scarborough-Rouge), Chair of the Infrastructure and Environment Committee, and Parks, Forestry and Recreation General Manager Janie Romoff to announce the parks and recreation job opportunities.
Each year, Parks, Forestry and Recreation (PFR) employs approximately 9,000 recreation workers and over 900 seasonal gardeners and parks handy-workers. PFR hires consistently throughout the year, with a strong focus on summer hiring starting early in the year. While 2020 was an outlier for PFR staffing, the City is hopeful it will continue to offer many of its parks and recreation programs adapted to meet public health guidelines.
The City is looking for a wide range of skilled applicants from lifeguards and aquatic instructors to outdoor gardeners and parks handy-workers. The City is now accepting job applications for summer camps, aquatic and lifeguarding programs at the City’s outdoor pools and beaches and other recreation positions. Applications for gardeners and parks handy-workers for the City’s parks and green spaces will be accepted until March 27. Applications can be made online at: https://jobs.toronto.ca/.
While various orders from the Province of Ontario and the City’s response to COVID-19 affected many City programs and services, the City quickly adapted its service approach to meet public health guidelines and offer Torontonians safe access to parks and recreation programs last summer. Successful initiatives included CampTO, Summer in the 6IX and ParksPlayTO which provided Toronto residents with safe options for childcare and family-focused outdoor recreation. Torontonians also saw the expedited opening of the City’s 58 outdoor pools, more than 240 splash pads and wading pools and 11 beaches for leisure swimming through the its SwimTO program. Residents have also continued to access the City’s more than 1,500 parks throughout the pandemic. None of this would have been possible without the dedicated efforts of City staff.
In addition to accepting applications online, the City will host virtual job information sessions for youth beginning in March. Applicants can receive tips on what to expect during the hiring process, as well as resumé and interview preparation support. The information sessions will be delivered by youth outreach workers and youth recreation programmers and will be promoted to youth living in or near Neighbourhood Improvement Areas.
Dates and registration information for the virtual information sessions will be available shortly at www.toronto.ca/recjobs.
More information about recruitment for City parks and recreation positions is available at https://jobs.toronto.ca/.
Please review the City’s simple “Dos” and “Don’ts” guide for recommended and mandatory public health measures. The guide communicates some of what is and what is not, permitted under the provincial Lockdown Regulation that remains in effect to help stop the spread of COVID-19. The guide can be found at www.toronto.ca/lockdownguide.
“During this ongoing pandemic we continue to see the important role parks and recreation play in people’s lives. Recreation jobs in the summer are good jobs for young people in our city. City workers maintain Toronto’s excellent parks and green spaces. Through these jobs people are given the opportunity to gain employment experience and create community connections, while helping the City serve its residents and provide important programs and amenities. I am proud that we can continue to offer these important employment opportunities in neighbourhoods across Toronto.”
– Mayor John Tory
“These summer recreation positions are high-quality jobs that support popular programs and services in our communities. I encourage anyone looking for exceptional work experience to take advantage of this opportunity and apply. ”
– Deputy Mayor Michael Thompson
“Toronto’s more than 1,500 parks and green spaces are vital assets within our urban environment. Toronto parks encourage residents to stay active and connect with nature, while maintaining physical distance. I am so pleased that the City is hiring parks workers to get prepared for what I’m sure will be another busy summer season.”
– Councillor Jennifer McKelvie (Scarborough—Rouge Park), Chair of the Infrastructure and Environment Committee
“Working in Parks, Forestry and Recreation helps to build leadership and problem-solving skills that last a lifetime. The City continues to be a very popular provider of recreation services with thousands of children, youth, seniors and adults making use of our amenities to get active each year. It’s a great area to pursue your interests as a job with the City provides an opportunity to contribute to your community while also building your career.”
– Janie Romoff, General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation
SOURCE City of Toronto
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