The City of Toronto is working with all our healthcare partners, pharmacies and Toronto Public Health to administer all available COVID-19 vaccines. To date, 665,367 COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered in Toronto.
People age 60 or older can book vaccination appointments online or by phone for City-run COVID-19 immunization clinics and some health partner clinics. Starting Friday, April 9, residents age 50 and older in high-risk areas as identified by postal code will be able to book vaccine appointments at City-run clinics.
The City is currently vaccinating residents born in 1961 and earlier at six of the City-operated mass immunization clinics: Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Toronto Congress Centre, Scarborough Town Centre, Malvern Community Recreation Centre, Mitchell Field Arena and The Hangar. On Monday, April 12, the City will open the final three City-operated vaccination clinics at Cloverdale Mall, North Toronto Memorial Community Centre and Carmine Stefano Community Centre.
As of yesterday evening, approximately 156,746 people have booked COVID-19 vaccination appointments at a City-run clinic. There are appointments still available. Eligible residents are encouraged to book an appointment through the dark blue “Book a Vaccine” button on www.toronto.ca/covid-19 with the added option of booking by phone through the Provincial Vaccine Information Line at 1-888-999-6488. For more information about what to expect when you get a COVID-19 vaccine please visit, https://covid-19.ontario.ca/ge
The City and healthcare partners are working to operate approximately 38 clinics today, including mobile teams and on-site clinics, to vaccinate priority groups identified by the Province of Ontario’s priority framework. These clinics are only vaccinating those in the priority groups who have confirmed appointments.
City of Toronto immunization clinics
• Yesterday, held six City-operated mass immunization clinics: Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Toronto Congress Centre, Scarborough Town Centre, Malvern Community Recreation Centre, Mitchell Field Arena and The Hangar.
• Vaccinated approximately 7,155 eligible residents.
• Today, will vaccinate up to approximately 8,100 people born in 1961 or earlier. Only those with confirmed appointments will be vaccinated. People without appointments should not attend a City’s immunization clinic.
Unity Health Toronto
• Yesterday, held two on-site clinics and two mobile clinics in congregate settings.
• Vaccinated 1,406 people who are priority hospital and community based healthcare workers, local pharmacy staff, local dentists and their staff, select inpatients, homebound adults, individuals living in congregate settings, members of the Indigenous community, shelter staff, transplant recipients and those receiving active cancer treatment, individuals with specific high-risk health conditions and people age 50 years and older in priority neighbourhoods.
• Today, will hold three on-site clinics, two mobile clinics in congregate settings, and a mobile clinic for homebound adults.
• Will vaccinate 1,870 people belonging to the same groups.
For more information, please visit unityhealth.to.
University Health Network
• Yesterday, held four on-site clinics and a mobile clinic.
• Vaccinated 1,950 people who are healthcare workers and students, individuals 70 years and older, long-term care staff and essential caregivers, Indigenous adults, patients and community members with high-risk chronic health conditions, and people age 50 years and older in priority neighbourhoods.
• Vaccinated 30 individuals living in shelters at the mobile clinic.
• Today, will hold four on-site clinics and a mobile clinic.
• Will vaccinate 2,235 belonging to the same groups, as well as individuals living in congregate settings.
For more information, please visit www.uhn.ca.
Michael Garron Hospital – East Toronto Health Partners
• Yesterday, held two on-site clinics (MGH and Thorncliffe Park Community Hub) and a pop-up clinic.
• Vaccinated 2,501 people who are healthcare workers, Indigenous adults, individuals who receive home care, faith leaders, community members 60 years and older, individuals living in shelters or experiencing homelessness, residents age 50 years and older in priority neighbourhoods, and individuals with highest and high-risk conditions and their essential caregivers.
• Today, will hold one on-site clinic (Thorncliffe Park Community Hub) and deploy four mobile teams.
• Will vaccinate 2,889 people belonging to the same groups, as well as individuals living in congregate settings.
For more information, please visit www.tehn.ca.
Humber River Hospital and North Western Toronto Ontario Health Team
• Yesterday, held one on-site clinic and a mobile clinic.
• Vaccinated 1,896 people who are healthcare workers, individuals eligible under Phase 2, and residents age 50 years and older in priority neighbourhoods.
• Today, will hold one on-site clinic and two mobile clinics.
• Will vaccinate 1,554 people belonging to the same groups.
For more information, please visit www.hrh.ca.
North York General Hospital – North York Toronto Health Partners
• Yesterday, held two on-site clinics and a mobile clinic.
• Vaccinated 2,016 who are hospital healthcare workers, and community members 60 years and older at the on-site clinics.
• Vaccinated approximately 270 who are age 65 years and older living in congregate care settings and people living in shelters at the mobile clinic.
• Today, will hold two on-site clinics and a mobile clinic.
• Will vaccinate approximately 1,746 people who are hospital healthcare workers, individuals living in shelters and community members age 60 years and older.
For more information, please visit www.nygh.on.ca.
Scarborough Health Network
• Yesterday, held four on-site clinics and two pop-up clinics.
• Vaccinated 3,200 people who are healthcare workers, residents 60 years and older, and individuals living in long-term care and congregate settings.
• Today, will hold four on-site clinics and three pop-up clinics.
• Will vaccinate approximately 2,600 people belonging to the same groups.
For more information, please visit www.shn.ca.
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
• Yesterday, held one on-site clinic, one off-site community clinic in partnership with Baycrest, and a mobile clinic.
• Vaccinated 1,400 people who are residents age 70 years and older, Indigenous adults, adults who receive home care, healthcare workers, hospital staff, people with highest and high-risk conditions, and people age 50 years and older in priority neighbourhoods.
• Today, will hold one on-site clinic and an off-site clinic.
• Will vaccinate approximately 1,350 people belonging to the same groups.
For more information, please visit sunnybrook.ca.
• Yesterday, held one on-site clinic.
• Vaccinated approximately 216 people who are hospital healthcare workers in priority risk groups, community members age 60 years and older, Indigenous adults, faith leaders, and individuals living in high-risk congregate settings, caregivers and staff.
• Today, will hold one on-site clinic.
• Will vaccinate 252 people belonging to the same groups.
For more information, please visit www.camh.ca.
The City, Toronto Public Health, hospitals and community healthcare centres are all working together to get Torontonians vaccinated as quickly as possible. Getting vaccinated protects individuals, their close contacts and the community. As vaccine supply for the general population becomes widely available from the Government of Canada and the Province, more than 350 clinics, including pharmacies and mobile clinics across Toronto, will vaccinate people following the priority framework established by the Province.
To view a map and search for clinic locations across Toronto, including City-run facilities, pharmacies and hospitals, please visit www.toronto.ca/COVID19vaccinem
In order to stop the spread of COVID-19 in the community, protect the healthcare system and save lives, the City continues to urge all residents to stay home as much as possible. Please review the City’s simple guide for recommended and mandatory public health measures at www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/c
Toronto is home to more than 2.9 million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture and innovation, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses. For more information visit www.toronto.ca or follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/CityofToronto, on Instagram at www.instagram.com/cityofto or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/cityofto.
SOURCE City of Toronto
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