Study Reveals Nearly Three Quarters of Parents Believe People Let Their Children Sit Forward-Facing Too Soon, but Most are Uncomfortable Addressing it
Instinctively, all parents want to protect their children – and in most cases, other people’s children. A new study from Chicco® revealed that 84 percent of parents of kids age two or under would tell another parent if he or she was putting his or her child at risk. Yet, the majority (72 percent) say they are uncomfortable talking to other parents about keeping their kids riding rear-facing, despite the fact that more than half (58 percent) of parents surveyed are aware of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommendation not to turn a child forward-facing until two years old1. Today, Chicco is announcing TurnAfter2™, a national movement designed to close the communications gap between parents by asking more people to celebrate the everyday milestone of riding rear-facing.
“Parenting is the role of a lifetime, and we all want to do what’s best for our kids. In a world where parents have endless platforms to share information, TurnAfter2 is the perfect reminder to use them in a meaningful way and to look out for each other,” said Daphne Oz, celebrity ambassador for TurnAfter2. “Knowing that kids who ride rear-facing are five times safer is information every parent needs to know, and we can be each other’s best resource. When one mom shares a photo of her two-year-old still riding rear-facing, she’ll inspire countless positive conversations between other parents who will want to follow suit. Our goal with TurnAfter2 is to educate parents and get them talking about this very important issue in a constructive way so we can keep all little ones safe.”
In 2011, the AAP announced its recommendation that all children ride in rear-facing car seats as long as possible, but until at least the age of two years[1]. Despite those guidelines being issued nearly six years ago, many parents (69 percent) believe that other parents are letting their children sit forward-facing too soon – increasing the likelihood of children being killed or seriously injured in a crash by fivefold.
When pressed further about why parents are reluctant to broach this topic with other parents, they shared a variety of reasons, with some stating that it’s none of their business (16 percent), they don’t like confrontation (14 percent), or worse, parents either didn’t know the appropriate age to turn their kids forward-facing (15 percent), or had also knowingly let their kids ride forward-facing too soon (13 percent).
“Even the most well-intentioned parents make honest mistakes when it comes to car seat safety, whether it’s improper installation or misunderstanding how car seats are supposed to be used,” said Dr. Benjamin Hoffman, a pediatrician and nationally recognized expert in child passenger safety. “The rule of thumb is simple – turn children forward-facing after they turn two-years old. The longer they can stay rear-facing the safer they’ll be.”
In addition to launching TurnAfter2, to make it easier for parents to keep their kids rear-facing longer, Chicco recently introduced the Fit2™ Infant and Toddler Seat, a first-of-its-kind two-stage rear-facing car seat that comfortably accommodates a child safely from day one through year two. Available now at Babies”R”Us stores nationwide and online at BabiesRUs.com, the Fit2 retains the travel convenience and mobility of an infant car seat by accommodating two stages for use: infant and toddler. And, when parents switch it to toddler mode, they don’t give up any space between the back of their car seats and the back of their child’s car seats, a new innovation for the car seat category.
“When it comes to infant car seats, I find that parents usually look at the weight rating rather than the length to know when to transition,” said Dr. David Hill, pediatrician and Chicco child passenger safety spokesperson. “They’re often surprised to learn that many children outgrow infant car seats in length before weight. With the Fit2, Chicco is providing parents with a rear-facing seat that is designed to fit both infants and two-year-old toddlers in weight and seated height. That’s revolutionary for the category.”
“At Chicco, creating products that are safe for babies and convenient for parents is our priority,” said William Hasse, vice president of marketing for Chicco USA. “When we began working on the Fit2, we realized that not only was there a need for a car seat to address the issue of riding rear-facing longer, but also there was a critical need to address parents on the topic, because many aren’t aware of, or aren’t following, the AAP’s guidelines. We hope that TurnAfter2 is something they can easily remember, and act on, every time they buckle up their children in the car.”
How Parents Can Get Involved with TurnAfter2
- Activating on Social Media: Chicco wants parents to show how they’re keeping their kids riding rear-facing for as long as possible. Whether it’s using an infant car seat, a convertible car seat, or a Fit2™, parents who share their photos on social media using #TurnAfter2 can only inspire others to do the same.
- Learning More: In support of TurnAfter2, Chicco is launching a dedicated website to simplify what parents need to know about the issue. For example, in some states, riding rear-facing until two years old is a law – in some states, it may be on the horizon. Parents shouldn’t have to guess, and with TurnAfter2, the hope is that they don’t need to.
- Visiting Chicco on its Mobile Tour: Throughout the year, Chicco will be visiting baby fairs and expos across the country, in an effort to raise widespread awareness of two years rear-facing and introduce as many parents as possible to TurnAfter2 and the Fit2 Infant & Toddler Car Seat.
For more information on TurnAfter2, please visit www.turnafter2.com. For more information on the Fit2 Infant and Toddler Car Seat, available exclusively at Babies”R”Us for a suggested retail price of $279.99, visit www.chiccofit2.com.
Photo from: www.12news.com
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