Small- and medium-sized businesses are the backbone of the Canadian economy. They provide important goods and services, create jobs and strengthen communities across the country. Our government is committed to ensuring they can grow and thrive.
The Government of Canada has committed over $1.84 Million to 75 small-to-medium size food businesses to promote their products and develop their export markets abroad by undertaking overseas missions, attending key food-related tradeshows, and other marketing activities.
For example, in Quebec, more than $390,000 in funding was committed to 16 small-to-medium sized businesses; including over $44,000 in support for Trans-Herbe Inc. to help increase export sales through outgoing missions, attending tradeshows and developing promotional products.
Helping Canada’s agricultural, agri-food, fish and seafood sectors expand into new domestic and international markets is part of the Government of Canada’s plan to grow the economy and strengthen the middle class.
“Helping businesses maximize their ability to raise awareness and demand for Canadian products in international markets is a key priority for our government. The success of these businesses finding new international markets will help position Canada as a leader in high quality exports, while creating more jobs, economic activity and stronger middle class for the country.”
- Jean-Claude Poissant, Parliamentary Secretary to Agriculture and Agri-Food Minister Lawrence MacAulay
“When businesses export more of their goods, they create jobs and growth here at home. Our government is committed to ensuring that small and medium-sized businesses have the resources they need to grow and compete successfully around the world. This includes programs like AgriMarketing and CanExport, which help middle-class Canadians take advantage of global export opportunities, and sell their products to consumers around the world. Today’s investment will help more SMEs, including many in Quebec like Trans Herbe, do just that.”
- Minister Bardish Chagger, Leader of the Government in the House of Commons and Minister of Small Business and Tourism.
“AgriMarketing funding allows us to showcase and promote our Four O’CLOCK teas and herbal teas on the Scandinavian market, with a sustained growth of over 30 per cent in three years.”
- Karine Pomerleau, General Manager, Trans-Herbe Inc.
Quick Facts
- Small to Medium Enterprises (SME’s) under the AgriMarketing Program are producers and processors operating in the agriculture, agri-food, and fish and seafood sectors. These businesses must be directly involved in growing, harvesting, processing or otherwise transforming, consolidating or adding value to agricultural products and have fewer than 250 employees and annual sales not exceeding $50 million.
- The SME component of the Growing Forward 2 AgriMarketing Program is similar to the CANExport Program offered to businesses through Global Affairs Canada.
- The AgriMarketing Program under Growing Forward 2 is a five-year, $341 million initiative.
Photo from: givefoodgetfood.ca
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