Small IT issues can lead to large lossesThere are all kinds of IT technical issues that affect companies of all sizes and in all industries, from small business, mid-size corporations to freelance consultants and direct marketing professionals. Some of these technical issues are obvious and apparent while many others can go unnoticed or over looked for years. Some of these unknown issues could be systems that can be/or are looked due to something seemingly minor; (e.g. slow internet connection for a few hours during business hours, etc.). Sometimes companies and employees can get used to these issues, resulting in the work around to the problem becoming the new process for the task. This adds hours of unproductive |
How do you know if a minor issue will result in major problems?These issues could have no real technical consequences that will harm the network data, but will have more of an effect on intangible benchmarks such as employee satisfaction, workflow continuality and employee productivity. These intangibles often go unnoticed/or overlooked by most small business owners. I have seen some companies’ lose internet connectivity every morning from 9:00 to 10:00 and then again at 13:00 again for another hour or so. They sometimes have these types of issues for years without a resolution. As you can imagine productivity suffers even more drastically during peak times of the year when customer response time is most critical… Protecting your company data is also of critical importance.Is there enough of encryption and firewall protection to prevent data from being stolen? Would the detection software notify you of when and if data has been compromised? These questions are growing in importance for some companies.In addition to unknown minor issues, most small businesses need a written strategy to address any possible back up issues. The ability to answer key questions such as: * Is there a backup strategy? * Are there written instructions to confirm that the backup is being done correctly? * Who is in charge of the backup and restore? * Who is the first contact and second contact? How important are Network diagrams and documents?Without proper documentation and a network diagram to help outline these protentional issues and prevent them from growing into major problems. Network Overview, would like to reduce these concerns and improve employee proformance.Information that should be included in a Network Overview: • Update network diagram (port numbers, • Backup schedule and restore option and procedures • Locations of important files or file systems, production server, database server, firewall, etc. • Important Port and data flow information and directions Call or email to get a network assessment to find out the current status of your network. |
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