The City of Mississauga remains fully committed to the Hazel McCallion Act, 2023 and the dissolution of Peel Region. The city is ready to be independent on or before January 1, 2025 as planned.
On Friday, the City of Brampton released an “independent” report with claims about new costs as a result of the dissolution of the Peel Region. This report was not sent to any of the members of the province’s Transition Board or the City of Mississauga. The numbers have not been validated by the City of Mississauga or the province’s Transition Board and are therefore not reliable.
Mayor Crombie has issued a full statement on the Brampton report.
“This is nothing more than a political stunt,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “The province has passed the Hazel McCallion Act. The work on transition continues and is going well. This report is nothing more than an attempt to distract from the tough conversations that Brampton will have to have with its residents and businesses in the months and years to come. Mississauga has been ready to stand on its own two feet for some time, and I know Brampton and Caledon are as well. It is time for the politics to stop and for the hard work to continue. Hazel McCallion knew this was the right thing to do for decades and as we know, she always did her homework. Nothing’s changed – it’s still the right thing to do today.”
Mississauga remains committed to seeing through the transition and to working with the Transition Board, our Regional Partners, and our neighbours in Brampton and Caledon. The reality is that as the cities have grown over time, the priorities of Mississauga, Brampton and Caledon have diverged in many areas. Single tier status allows each City to make decisions in the best interest of its own residents and businesses. Vital decisions are not left up to the votes of the two other municipalities. A single tier city council would be fully accountable for the decisions made on all matters, so accountability is clear. And, funding and scarce resources can be focused on the most important priorities for each city.
“The work of the Transition Board continues every day and Mississauga is at the table, working through the tough decisions, with a goal of reaching independence,” said Shari Lichterman, City Manager and CAO. “It is a simple fact that eliminating a layer of government will lead to efficiencies overall. There is currently a significant amount of duplication or overlap between the Peel Region and the local municipalities. Now is the time to make a change and I am confident that by working together we will all be better off in the long run. We will not be distracted by unverified reports.”
The new “independent” report from Brampton, according to media reports, builds on the 2019 Deloitte Report crafted in secret at the Peel Region to justify the status quo during the province’s 2019 Regional Governance Review. The report has been discredited largely due to its questionable methodology, misguided assumptions, and the fact that there was no input from any of the Region’s member municipalities in its creation.
Mississauga has taken steps to get ready for independence, including appointing an Interim Commissioner of Health and Human Services, and a Director of Municipal Transition and Integration. The city is ready for independence and will continue to work toward this important goal.
For more information on the work of the Transition Board and Mississauga’s efforts toward independence and the dissolution of Peel, please visit
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