Ontario Boosting Social Assistance to Help People Get Ahead

Province Increasing Rates, Providing Extra Support for People in Remote and Northern Communities

Ontario is making enhancements to the province’s social assistance programs to help people reach their full potential and build fairer, more prosperous communities.

Improvements include:

  • Increasing social assistance rates by two per cent for all people receiving social assistance
  • Helping people who live in remote and northern communities — who often pay more for basic needs like groceries and transportation — by increasing the Remote Communities Allowance
  • Increasing limits on cash and other assets so that people can better manage financial setbacks
  • Increasing the income exemption for cash gifts, to better recognize that people receiving social assistance may also receive support from family or friends
  • Streamlining rules to make the system work better for people.

Improving social assistance is part of our plan to create jobs, grow our economy and help people in their everyday lives.

Quick Facts

  • Social assistance provides help to over 900,000 vulnerable adults and children every day.
  • Ontario is investing more than $480 million over four years in improvememts to social assistance.
  • Since 2013, the government has increased rates by 6.7 per cent for Ontario Works families and individuals with disabilities receiving ODSP benefits; and by 19 per cent for single people without children receiving Ontario Works benefits.

Background Information

Additional Resources


Dr. Helena Jaczek

“In building a fairer and more inclusive province, we want to ensure people are better able to reach their full potential. By making continual improvements to social assistance, we will not only put more money into the hands of individuals and families who need it the most, but also ensure quicker, more efficient and better access to the supports and services that individuals need.”

Dr. Helena Jaczek

Minister of Community and Social Services

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