Three Youth Recognized for Exceptional Service to Others
Three remarkable youth will receive the Ontario Medal for Young Volunteers, the highest honour a young person can achieve for volunteer contributions to the province.
This year’s honourees contributed to their communities in unique ways:
- Joshua Austin of Orangeville challenged discrimination and advocated for LGBTQ youth and young people dealing with mental illness.
- Christopher McCormick of Sudbury volunteered thousands of hours to various causes and showed exceptional leadership qualities.
- Justin Tiseo of London grew a high school charity effort into a leading city-wide cancer fundraising event.
The Honourable Elizabeth Dowdeswell, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, will present the medals at a ceremony at Queen’s Park, joined by Laura Albanese, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration.
As Ontario and Canada commemorate their 150th anniversaries in 2017, Ontario Medal for Young Volunteer recipients remind us that active citizenship begins at any age.
Quick Facts
- The Ontario Medal for Young Volunteers is awarded to youth aged 15 to 24 who have donated their time and talents to a charitable or not-for-profit organization or initiative, and who have inspired other young people to volunteer.
- Since 1998, the Ontario Medal for Young Volunteers has been presented to 148 young volunteers.
- Ontario’s outstanding volunteers are also recognized through the Ontario Volunteer Service Awards and the June Callwood Outstanding Achievement Award for Voluntarism.
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