Premier Kathleen Wynne released the following statement today to announce support for earthquake relief efforts in Mexico:
“On behalf of the people of Ontario, I wish to convey our deepest compassion and concern for everyone affected by the recent earthquakes in Mexico.
Ontario is home to people from all over the world, whose backgrounds and contributions have helped to build our province. When a disaster like this one strikes, it takes a toll on all of us.
Since September 19, we have all been affected by the images from Mexico of collapsed buildings, including an elementary school, and we have heard the stories of people who boarded buses to the disaster sites to bolster the search and recovery efforts. The devastation is widespread and we are compelled to help our neighbours on their long road to recovery and rebuilding.
Ontario has always stood willing to help those in need, and we always will. Our government will be contributing $100,000 to the Mexican Red Cross through the Canadian Red Cross to assist the people of Mexico in the aftermath of this tragedy.
I want to thank the many people in Ontario who have individually committed to help, and encourage everyone to consider making a personal donation to the Canadian Red Cross.”
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