Preparing Students to Thrive in Ontario’s Innovative Economy

global economy pilot project

Ontario Launches 29 Career Studies Pilot Projects Across Province

Ontario is partnering with educators on 29 pilot projects across the province to revise the current career studies course and help students develop the skills they need to compete in the rapidly changing and highly competitive global economy.

Education Minister Mitzie Hunter was at St. Mary Catholic Academy in Toronto today to announce the new pilot projects.

The career studies pilot projects will include the development of innovative learning opportunities related to financial literacy, entrepreneurship skills, digital literacy, and career/life planning. Teachers will examine ways to:

  • Equip students with the skills and knowledge they will need in the new global economy
  • Help students explore all career paths and opportunities
  • Support the teaching and learning of the course through a variety of new methods

Ensuring Ontario’s curriculum focuses on multiple career paths and opportunities for work placements is a key recommendation of the Premier’s Highly Skilled Workforce Expert Panel report. Teachers’ feedback from these pilots will be instrumental in helping to determine what the career studies course could become.

Preparing Ontario students for the jobs of today and tomorrow is part of our plan to create jobs, grow the economy and help people in their everyday lives.

Quick Facts

  • The career studies pilot projects will run until June 2017.
  • The pilot locations represent the geographic diversity of the province, including participation of all four publicly funded school systems.
  • Each of the 29 educators were selected through an application process to participate with their students in their respective pilot project.
  • In 2016, the province announced that instruction on financial literacy would be a mandatory part of the career studies course.Ontario has published two resource guides detailing opportunities and topics related to financial literacy and how it is woven throughout Ontario’s elementary and secondary curriculum.

Background Information

Additional Resources


“In the face of changing times, our students need a wider range of skills and knowledge to succeed, now and in the future. These pilots are a great opportunity for our government to work closely with educators as researchers and innovators. The feedback from educators will be essential in informing the on-going review of our career studies course.”

Mitzie Hunter -Minister of Education

“As a young adult, I know how important it is for students to learn about financial literacy at a time when they are thinking about their future. Financial literacy skills are critical to young people’s growth and education as well as their future success. The progress today is an important step in the long-term goal of including financial literacy in the lives of every young citizen.”

Prakash Amarasooriya – School Boards Lead, Toronto Youth Cabinet

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