Residents rate Mississauga’s quality of life high

Mississauga City Hall

The results from the 2023 Citizen Satisfaction Survey are in and the City of Mississauga once again received a high satisfaction rating from residents with 79 per cent rating the City’s overall quality of life as either excellent or good.

The results were based on 2,082 responses from two surveys conducted in April 2023. The first was a telephone survey of 1,000 residents to gauge overall satisfaction with municipal government, quality of life, perceived value for taxes, as well as general communication and customer service. The second was an online survey of more than 1,000 residents to measure their satisfaction with various programs and services offered by the City.

“This year’s survey indicates that residents recognize the City is responsive in meeting their daily needs,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “Our community has faced a lot over the last five years, including the pandemic, the housing crisis and the rising cost of doing business and providing services. Fortunately, despite these setbacks, residents continue to support our City’s decisions and investments in key areas like housing, climate change, transit and transportation, public safety, green spaces, along with the programs, services and amenities that foster a strong quality of life.”

Key survey findings
  • Residents indicated that they were attracted to Mississauga by the availability of parks and green space (22 per cent), its proximity to amenities (18 per cent), and multiculturalism/tolerance (15 per cent).
  • Fire and Emergency Services had the highest satisfaction of any service area at 85 per cent.
  • MiWay had a significant rise in satisfaction at 69 per cent (up 3 percent from 2019).
  • 80 per cent of residents indicated they were proud to say they were from Mississauga.
  • 66 per cent of residents are satisfied with the City’s municipal government.
  • 54 per cent of residents feel they receive good value for their municipal tax dollars.

“The Citizen Satisfaction Survey gives residents a platform to share, voice and measure their satisfaction with municipal services, City operations, customer service and service delivery,” said Shari Lichterman, City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer. “Information collected from the survey offers Council and City staff insights into resident perspectives, sentiments, experiences, attitudes and inputs on a range of topics and key issues. This information helps inform the City’s budget and business planning process including strategic investments and planning for the future.”

The 2023 Citizen Satisfaction Survey was performed by Forum Research Inc. on behalf of the City. The survey approach and methodologies followed best practices and were selected to ensure that the results were as accurate, robust and comprehensive as in previous years while at the same time addressing cost pressures and the need to encourage broader participation.

For complete survey results, visit

SOURCE City of Mississauga

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