Statement by the Prime Minister on International Literacy Day

International literacy day poster

Ottawa, Ontario_ The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on International Literacy Day:

“In an interconnected world, literacy connects people from every corner of the globe, helping us understand and be understood, no matter our country or culture. Today, on International Literacy Day, we celebrate the power of education and the ability to read and write, not only as a fundamental human right, but also as forces for positive change.

“The Government of Canada recently modernized the Skills for Success program to equip Canadians with skills they need. In the last year, the program supported projects across the country that provided training to over 33,000 Canadians. Through the Digital Literacy Exchange Program, we help Canadians get the online skills needed to participate in the digital economy. To date, this program has helped over 400,000 people, including Indigenous Peoples, seniors, newcomers, and persons with disabilities.

“Everyone has the right to access quality education, regardless of who they are and where they live. Beyond our borders, Canada is proud to support global efforts to promote literacy through initiatives like the Global Partnership for Education, which brings us closer to bridging the gap in educational disparities in developing countries, including the gender gap in education.

“On International #LiteracyDay, we reiterate our commitment to empowering people through education and literacy and creating a future where no one is left behind. We also thank all the teachers and educators who work tirelessly to write a new chapter for opportunity, equality, and progress for everyone through literacy.”


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