TORONTO, Sept. 7, 2017 /CNW/ – Digital education leader Groupe Média TFO, in its bid to focus on French language educational priorities in Ontario, has signed a strategic agreement with Paris-based company Beneylu. The company operates the school platform Beneylu Spot. With this new exportation agreement for its French-language educational content, TFO’s reach will grow to include the 34,000 French classrooms connected to Beneylu, publisher of Beneylu School, the digital elementary school classroom, and Beneylu Spot, a catalogue of 500 digital resources for elementary schools.
Starting in September 2017, five series, for a total of 150 episodes produced in TFO’s production studios in Toronto, will become available to over a million teachers and students (ages 5-12). In the months to come, new series currently in production by Créations TFO could be added to TFO’s offer, including Minivers (financed by the Canadian Media Fund) and Lorenzo.
“It’s wonderful to see TFO’s creative francophone educational content, developed right here in Ontario, being made accessible to audiences all over the world. This agreement is testament to the great work that TFO is doing to help education young people to succeed in a global, inter-connected world.”
– The Honourable Mitzie Hunter, Minister of Education of Ontario
“Groupe Média TFO is a visionary and innovative organization which makes the Ontarian Francophonie shine in the four corners of the world. This agreement with French company Beneylu will ensure that Groupe Média TFO’s contribution to the international Francophonie will expand. This new collaboration will enrich the learning world of young European Francophones and Francophiles.”
– The Honourable Marie-France Lalonde, Minister for Francophone Affairs
Groupe Média TFO is expanding its influence as a producer and supplier of high value-added educational content and is confirming its role as a leader in digital education for the Canadian and International Francophonie. Groupe Média TFO also exports its content in the United States on the PBS LearningMedia platform.
“Groupe Média TFO is pursuing a commercial process focused on new collaborative partnerships in digital learning in Canada, the United States, France and elsewhere internationally to reinforce its capacities and fully meet the potential of its educational mandate in Ontario. The growing presence of our Ontarian educational productions on the international scene confirms Ontario’s strong potential as an actor in the Organisation internationale de la francophonie following its recent admission as an observer member of the OIF.”
– Glenn O’Farrell, President and Chief Executive Officer of Groupe Média TFO.
As a Canadian public media company, a leader in the production and broadcasting of Francophone educational resources, GMTFO has become a leader in the production of educational series with its new division, Créations TFO, led by Nadine Dupont and her reputable team of talents.
“The Beneylu team is very proud to count Groupe Média TFO, the largest producer of Canadian Francophone educational digital content, in its Beneylu Spot catalogue of digital resources! For the first time, 34,000 French elementary classes will enjoy Canadian Francophone educational content through Beneylu School, a platform perfectly suited to run a classroom. Students and teachers will benefit from the work of a vibrant, talented Francophone editor and an essential partnership.”
– Eymeric Taelman, Co-Founder, Beneylu
This new agreement between two important digital education players paves the way for future collaborations between Canadian producers and new markets in the Francophonie, which gives weight to investing in the field of education. This partnership is also a new example demonstrating the excellence of Ontario’s educational system, its economic benefits and its affirmation in foreign markets demonstrating interest.
About Beneylu
Beneylu is the editor of Beneylu School, the digital classroom for real elementary school students, with the best applications to work well, and Beneylu Spot, a catalogue of 500 digital resources for elementary schools. 34,000 classes in 34 countries use Beneylu in 2017. 38 French departments manage projects. Beneylu is available in French, English and Spanish. For more information, visit https://beneylu.com/school/
About Groupe Média TFO
Groupe Média TFO is an essential destination for audiences seeking innovative educational and cultural content in French, at the vanguard of digital learning. TFO’s channel is the number one French-language YouTube channel in Canada. Its content has been awarded multiple prizes, from Austin to Amsterdam (Kidscreen Awards, Gemini Awards, Cassies, IBC Awards, SXSW Film Design Awards, and many more). Proud of its public heritage, TFO celebrates the French fact in Ontario and beyond. For more information about Groupe Média TFO, visit www.groupemediatfo.org or follow Groupe Media TFO on Facebook and Twitter.
SOURCE Ontario French Language Educational Communications Authority (TFO)
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