Beginning tomorrow, eligible voters can confirm if they are on the voters’ list and add or update their information for Toronto’s municipal election, taking place Monday, October 24. To appear on the final voters’ list, all revisions must be submitted to Toronto Elections by Friday, September 23.
The voters’ list identifies eligible voters, including their name and address as well as their school support. Checking the voters’ list early gives voters time to add their names to the list, or to make changes to their information, such as a change of address, leading to a faster and more efficient voting experience.
Starting tomorrow, Thursday, September 1, residents can check if they are on the voters’ list by using Toronto Elections MyVote (www.toronto.ca/elections/myvo
Voter information cards will be mailed to eligible voters on the voters’ list starting the week of September 26. The cards provide information about when and where to vote either during the advance vote period from October 7 to 14, or on election day, October 24.
If an eligible voter on the voters’ list does not receive their voter information card, they can use MyVote to print or upload a digital copy of their voter information card to their mobile device to show when they go to vote. All voters are required to show identification with their name and qualifying Toronto address. The voter information card cannot be used as identification. A complete list of acceptable identification is available on the Toronto Elections Identification webpage: www.toronto.ca/city-government
The deadline to submit changes to the voters’ list is September 23. After that date, eligible voters can add their name to the voters’ list when they vote in person during the advance vote period from October 7 to 14 or on election day.
More information about the voters’ list is available on the Toronto Elections Voters’ List webpage: www.toronto.ca/city-government
More information about Toronto’s municipal election is available on the Toronto Elections webpage: www.toronto.ca/elections.
SOURCE City of Toronto
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