“Building Bridges” – Loving & Caring Society an open conversation with Faith and Community Leaders took place last night at Madina Seminary in Mississauga. Coinciding with International Women’s Day this event was co-sponsored by The Voice of Canadian Citizens. Arliene Botnick, Director of Education at the Solel Congregation represented the Jewish Community. Satesh Seegobin a young (21 year old) articulate speaker represented The Pranav Hindu Heritage & Cultural Centre, Shaykh Ibrahim Hussain, Another young and brilliant religious leader represented Islam & Madina Seminary & Sukhjot Naroo a prominent member of the Sikh Community spoke on behalf of Sikh Community.
The Program started with O’Canada our National Anthem and ended with smiles and laughter; with one bridge less to cross. Arliene Botnick delivered a message of perseverance in the face of tyranny; she pointed at the holocaust as the darkest of days but exclaimed that we made it through! Satesh Seegobin affirmed “There is only one God that we all worship”; we only worship differently. Shaykh Ibrahim Hussain likened the event “Build Bridges” to a an actual bridge he came acrossed in Vancouver while on vacation. “One has to cross the bridge amid heavy traffic sometimes, sometimes it is scary but once you make it across its worth it”. Finally, Sukhjot Naroo shared his experiences of interacting with various religious groups, shared his solidarity with the Islamic Community over recent targeted hate crimes and called for a moment of silence for all those affected by the recent rise in hate crimes.
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