Several upcoming special events in Toronto will involve road closures. Residents and visitors are encouraged to come out and enjoy these events. Businesses in the areas affected are open to pedestrian traffic but some roads will be closed to vehicles.
Festivals and other special events are important to the city, injecting hundreds of millions of dollars annually into Toronto’s economy, and they are enjoyed each year by local residents and visitors.
In addition to road closures related to special events, a significant amount of road work is taking place in the city. People are encouraged to take public transit as a greener, faster and more affordable way of getting to their destinations.
Those who need to drive in the general vicinity of special events should allow extra time to get to and from their destinations. A more complete list of events and road work is available at
http://www.toronto.ca/roadrestrictions. TTC customers can receive information about service diversions by subscribing to eAlerts at http://www.ttc.ca/ or by following @TTCnotices on Twitter.
Pedestrian Sundays in Kensington Market
The following streets will be closed for this event in Kensington Market on Sunday, October 29:
• Augusta Avenue from Dundas Street West to College Street, but the intersections of Augusta Avenue and Nassau Street, and Augusta Avenue and Oxford Street will be open to traffic
• Baldwin Street from the west side of the Green P parking garage (west of Spadina Avenue) to Augusta Avenue
• Kensington Avenue from Baldwin Street to Dundas Street West
• St. Andrew Street from the west side of the Green P parking garage to Kensington Avenue (access to the parking garage will be maintained).
All of the above street closures will be in effect from noon to 7:30 p.m. on Sunday with the exception of Kensington Avenue, which will be closed from noon to 10:30 p.m.
Greek Parade
On Sunday, October 29 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Danforth Avenue will be closed in both directions from Donlands Avenue to Broadview Avenue and Chester Avenue will be closed from Danforth Avenue to the first laneway.
St Joseph’s Toronto West Halloween Fest
Bloor Street West will be closed from Willard Avenue to Runnymede Road on Sunday, October 29 from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Dorothy Ley Hospice Halloween Bed Race
Two westbound lanes on Bloor Street West from Royal York Road to Montgomery Road will be closed on Sunday, October 29 from 5 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Church Wellesley Halloween Closure
Church Street from Wood Street to Gloucester Street, including the intersection of Church Street and Wellesley Street East, will be closed on Tuesday, October 31 from 6 p.m. to Wednesday, November 1 at 2 a.m.
This news release is also available on the City’s website: http://ow.ly/yUZL30g91c4.
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