TORONTO, Nov. 27, 2017 /CNW/ – This holiday season if you’re looking for something strange for your sister, an Amazon Adventure for your aunt, a DEEP BLUE exploration of Lake Ontario for your dad, a human connection to climate change for your cousin, or perhaps a little bit of “magic” for your mom, the Ontario Science Centre offers ALL of this and so much more!
Discover how “stuff” is put together at the Strange Matter exhibition. Go on an immersive IMAX®Amazon Adventure. Look up to explore the beauty, ecology and majestic depths of Lake Ontario with art installation DEEP BLUE. Put a human face on climate change with Portraits of Resilience: Teens Take on Climate Change. Plus, it’s that time of year when the Science Centre puts some “magic” to science… yes… the Emetts are back! The Ontario Science Centre boasts the world’s largest collection of Magical Machines created by British artist and inventor Rowland Emett, and these are only on display over the winter holidays.
“Science matters and so does science literacy,” said Maurice Bitran, Ph.D., CEO and Chief Science Officer, Ontario Science Centre. “Every Ontarian should have a basic understanding of how our world works. Something as artful, and creative as origami can demonstrate how science impacts our daily lives and the holiday season is an ideal time to discover the science behind the everyday from the intersection of art and science with Portraits of Resilience: Teens Take on Climate Change, to our world famous collection of Magical Machines by Rowland Emett, the Ontario Science Centre has festive season celebrations down to a science.”
Returning Exhibition: Strange Matter
Runs until January 7, 2018 on Level 6 in the Special Exhibition Hall
Free with general admission
This hands-on exhibition delves into the world of materials science, or the study of “stuff.” A dynamic blend of physics, chemistry and engineering, this field of research studies how things are put together, how they might be improved, or how they can change to create brand new materials. From metals to crystals to magnets to glass, Strange Matter will give visitors the chance to dig into the science behind the materials they use every day. Strange Matter uses science to explore the bizarre world of modern materials and provide a glimpse into where the future of they might take us.
Holiday Feature Installation: The Magical Machines of Rowland Emett
On display from December 16, 2017 to January 14, 2018 on Level 6 in the Rock Paper Science Hall
Free with general admission
It’s that time of year when the Ontario Science Centre brings some “magic” to science….yup the Emetts are back!!! The world’s largest collection of Magical Machines is on display from December 16, 2017 to January 14, 2018 and is free with general admission.
New Film: Amazon Adventure
Screening in the Shoppers Drug Mart® OMNIMAX® Theatre
IMAX films tickets are $9 ( and are not included with general admission)
AMAZON ADVENTURE traces the 11-year Amazon rainforest expedition of naturalist, explorer and scientist Henry Walter Bates, who provided “the beautiful proof” to Charles Darwin for his then controversial theory of natural selection, the scientific explanation for the development of life on Earth. AMAZON ADVENTURE is a compelling detective story of peril, perseverance and success, drawing audiences into the fascinating world of animal mimicry, the natural phenomenon where one animal adopts the look of another, gaining an advantage to survive. The film’s run time is 45 minutes.
Trailer: http://bit.ly/AmazonAdventureFilm
New Art Installation: DEEP BLUE
On display indefinitely on Level 6 in the Living Earth
Free with general admission
Ontario Science Centre celebrates Lake Ontario’s beauty, ecology and majestic depths with community-created art installation DEEP BLUE. This stunning, collaborative art installation comprised of more than 2000 origami swans, carp, bass, sturgeon and turtles, depicting the bathymetry of majestic Lake Ontario is a part of the Great Art for Great Lakes initiative to celebrate Canada’ssesquicentennial, DEEP BLUE was created by Labspace Studio in collaboration with 12-year-old Great Lakes Trust junior ambassador Daniel Ranger – with help from Science Centre visitors.
New Art Installation: Portraits of Resilience: Teens Take on Climate Change
On display indefinitely on Level 6 in the Living Earth
Free with general admission
The Ontario Science Centre puts a human face on climate change with Portraits of Resilience: Teens Take on Climate Change. This new installation documents the effects of climate change from the perspective of youth aged eight to 16 in the Arctic and Small Island Developing States (SIDS). As residents of geographically distant communities that share characteristics of vulnerability and resilience, these youth are among the first to feel the effects of climate change.
Video: http://bit.ly/PortraitsOfResilience
About the Ontario Science Centre
The Ontario Science Centre, a Centennial project, has welcomed more than 51 million visitors since it opened in 1969, implementing an interactive approach now adopted by science centres around the world. Today, the Science Centre is an international leader in free-choice science learning and a key contributor to Ontario’s education and innovation ecosystems, offering lifelong learning through hands-on, engaging experiences. The Ontario Science Centre is an agency of the Government of Ontario funded in part by the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport. As a publicly assisted organization, the Science Centre relies on generous individuals, corporations and foundations who share a commitment to science and education for additional operating support. For more information about the Ontario Science Centre, please visit OntarioScienceCentre.ca.
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Twitter @OntScienceCtr
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SOURCE Ontario Science Centre
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