Toronto Fire Services (TFS) responded to a four-alarm structure fire in a townhouse complex at 2067 Lake Shore Blvd. W. on October 19. TFS faced a number of challenges fighting this complex fire, including access to the building, the fact the fire progressed into the roof and the impact of crews responding in rush-hour traffic.
The most challenging issue for TFS during this operation occurred with the declaration of a mayday call when a District Chief suffered a critical medical event while working at the emergency scene. Despite the challenging circumstances, TFS crews responded immediately and provided exceptional emergency care to the District Chief. Patient care was efficiently and effectively transferred to Toronto Paramedic Services crews, who treated and transported the District Chief to a nearby hospital.
The TFS investigations unit worked in collaboration with the Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management to determine the origin, cause and circumstances of the fire. The investigation has concluded the cause of the fire was accidental, involving improperly discarded smoking articles on the third-floor deck.
Toronto Fire Services reminds all residents who smoke to
• smoke outside
• use deep, non-combustible ashtrays to dispose and extinguish cigarettes, and
• soak lighting materials, butts and ashes in water before disposing of them.
This news release is also available on the City of Toronto website at http://ow.ly/NFeG30g9Pmf.
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